Copyright and Access, Use by Persons with Disability : A Comparative Study of Copyright Legislations in Foreign Countries

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Aggarin Viriyo


Copyright is a significant legal mechanism for providing the protection of creative works. Prior to the use of the copyright-protected work by any other person, the authorization is needed from the copyright owner. Otherwise, it will be the copyright infringement on that work. However, in the copyright system, one mechanism is created to enable other persons to make use of that work without the need of authorization from the copyright owner, and is exempted from copyright infringement. This mechanism is known as “an exception to copyright infringement”. Moreover, at the present time, this exception has expanded to enable the use of copyright-protected work for the benefit of the persons with disability, the issue of which is a new topic for debate and has gained much attention on the international level. Therefore, it is worth studying
the copyright system on this issue, together with studying the copyright legislations in other countries on the comparative basis, in order to analyze the similarities and the differences on the copyright exception model for the benefit of the persons with disability.

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How to Cite
Viriyo, Aggarin. “Copyright and Access, Use by Persons With Disability : A Comparative Study of Copyright Legislations in Foreign Countries”. Naresuan University Law Journal 5, no. 2 (March 30, 2012): 17–38. Accessed September 1, 2024.
Academic Articles
Author Biography

Aggarin Viriyo, Lawyer

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