Naresuan University Law Journal provides the standards of publication ethics in the following statement in order to ensure that all articles have the highest quality. All articles not in accordance with these standards will be removed from the publication at any time. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with standards of expected ethical behavior and other responsibilities for all parties involved in publishing process : the authors, the editors and the peer reviewers.

Duties of editors

1. The editors are responsible to assess all submitted manuscripts to ensure the standard quality for publication and a fair peer-review process of the submitted manuscript for publication.

2. The editors must ensure that all the information related to authors and the reviewers are kept as confidential throughout the assessment process.

3. The novelty and clarity of article must take into account. The content must also be considered in line with our policies. All articles must be completely evaluated by our required process.

4. The editors must reject any manuscripts that have been previously published elsewhere.

5. If there is a doubt or uncertainty arising from the content of article, the evidence must be collected before rejecting the manuscript.

6. The editors must disclose any conflicts of interest in relation to author(s) and reviewers.

7. If any manuscript may highly possibly infringe other’s copyrighted works, the author must be informed and ask for further clarification.

8. The editors must reject the manuscripts if plagiarism is detected and reserve the right to retract the article at any time even after the publication.

Duties of reviewers.

1. The reviewers must keep the submitted manuscript confidential throughout their review period.

2. The reviewers must have no conflicts of interest with the author or know the author personally. In case the reviewers feel unqualified to provide feedback and suggestions freely, the reviewers should notify the editors and refuse themselves from the review process.

3. The reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors institutions connected to the papers.

4. The reviewers should evaluate articles in their fields of expertise. They must consider the importance or content in the articles that will be relevant to the subject. Analytical quality and the concentration of the work should also be taken into account. Kindly do not use personal opinions that do not support the article.

5. The reviewers should evaluate manuscript based on content without regard to ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, religious belief or political philosophy of the authors.

6. The reviewers can identify any research which similar to the submitted manuscript in his or her evaluation. If any part of the submitted manuscript is identical or similar to other works, the reviewer must also notify the editors of such similarity.

Duties of Authors

1. The authors must certify that their works are novel, no copyright infringement and have not been plagiarized in whole or in part from other works without clearly citing.

2. The authors must certify that the submitted manuscript or work has never been previously published or under considering for publishing in other journals or online medias.

3. The authors must present only true fact and data in the paper. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

4. In case where authors referred to other’s works or words, citation(s) and reference (s) must be made.

5. All manuscripts must be written in our required format.

6. Any co-author whose name appears in all articles must be a research participant in the actual research.

7. The authors must acknowledge the name of the institution or funding sources which provide research grants (if any).

8. The authors must specify conflicts of interest (if any).

9. Authors must promptly report any errors they discover in their manuscript or published work to the editors and cooperate with the editors to retrace or correct the paper.