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เข็มอัปสร บำรุงเพชร


Feasibility study of the investment in bottled herbal formula Jaew Hon juice Its objectives are to study the possibilities in each of the following areas: Marketing, Technical, Management and financial. The questionnaire was used to collect data from 400 samples of the population interested in consuming Jaew Hon in the Khon Kaen Municipality area. The results were summarized in each aspect as follows: Marketing From the general environment and analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and obstacles currently occurring in the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, affecting the behavior of Thai people to turn to activities including eating at home as much as possible to reduce the risk of infection. This is an investment opportunity and from the results of the analysis of marketing mix factors influencing decision making, there are 3 types of products, namely Jaew Hon soup. Bitter and non-bitter sauce the packaging will be a bright color to stand out from the color of Nam Jaew Hon. and clearly specify the components The price of the sauce is 35 baht per bottle, while the Jaew Hon soup is 90 baht per bottle, which is the same price as its competitors in the market. There are two distribution channels, which are the storefront at the Nonna Cafe and the online channel. In terms of marketing promotion, there will be advertising via Facebook Line Instagram and Google because it can identify behavior or target audience that we want to reach. and create various content that will help generate sales and awareness for consumers as much as possible, such as making video clips on how to eat deliciously Benefits from eating Jaew Hon herbal juice and demonstrating the origin of raw materials used to be non-toxic, organic, with product guarantees to give consumers confidence in the product. The technical aspect was found to be possible because the location is within the Nonna Cafe area, which has a lot of parking spaces. In addition, customers can come to taste the products at the shop as well. And the location is close to many private shipping companies. Management has planned to recruit personnel in each position. This will clearly define the properties and rewards. And in finance, it was found that the initial investment was at 1,378,660 baht, from an estimate within 5 years, with a current value of 1,698,629.55 baht, while the rate of return within the project is 47.6252% and the payback period is 1 year, 11 months and 18 days, which is considered a short period. This makes the project an attractive project for investment.

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