Future and Trends of Virtual Events in Thailand

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Charoonluk Naree
Wanida Kanarkard


This study examined the future and trends of a virtual event business in the “new normal” situation in Thailand by using qualitative and quantitative research methods. The objectives of this study were to 1) study the current situation of a virtual event business in Thailand, 2) study the results of virtual events, and 3) examine audience behavior through a virtual event platform. The results from the PEST analysis of the impact of politics, law, and economy showed their positive and negative influences on the virtual event business. Positive impacts were gained from the environments of society, culture, and technology. In this study, a virtual event platform (https://vconf.kku.ac.th) was developed and implemented in order to investigate user behavior. This platform was active from June 1, 2021, until March 27, 2022. The period of study was 9 months and 27 days. Nineteen events were generated via this platform, 15 in 2021 and 4 in 2022. There were four types of exhibitions: trade shows, MOU, meetings, and online events. The virtual events were attended by 20,406 participants: 31.69% via Safari in-app, 46.57% via IOS, and 73.26% directly through the event platform. The virtual events created similar enjoyment and engagement in customers as attending in-person events, indicating that physical events can be effectively executed virtually. Audiences still receive the necessary content without being physically present at the event and can join from their preferred location and time. The results of the study showed that virtual events could be a trend for future businesses. The live event business may likely transform into a virtual one, and all involved
parties should adapt to keep up with changing audience needs.

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How to Cite
Naree, C., & Kanarkard, W. (2022). Future and Trends of Virtual Events in Thailand. MBA-KKU Journal, 15(2), 94–114. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbakkujournal/article/view/259602


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