A A Study of Consumer Insight on the Need for Power Gel Among Runners in Thailand and New Product Concepts Based on Design Thinking

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Warattaya Laojoom
Bussakorn Leejoeiwara


This independent study has the following objectives: (1) to study in-depth the needs of runners concerning power gel and (2) to design
concepts for power gel products that meet the needs of consumers. Data were collected via interviews with four sample groups of long -distance runners, e.g., full marathon, trail, half-marathon, and mini-marathon. In this study, runners were asked about their need for power gel (Empathy) using open-ended questions. The data were recorded using a customer persona model to understand their insight needs (Define). Next, a product concept was designed (Ideate) and developed into a preliminary model of the product (Prototype). Finally, the product model was tested with sample groups (Test). The opinions obtained from the sample group were used to improve the product concept by using the Value Proposition Canvas (VPC). The results revealed that the sample groups were satisfied with the power gel formula with 50 grams of orange-flavored jelly, a moist liquid texture that is easy to consume, and a refreshing citrus scent. The sample group opinions were used to improve the product concept, with a value proposition canvas serving as the guideline for a new power gel product that meets the
in-depth needs of consumers. Based on the findings, the power gel product that meets the customers’ needs is the one with an orange flavor, moistness, and a jelly-like texture. It should come in a 100ml package with a screw cap making it portable and easy to open.

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How to Cite
Laojoom, W., & Leejoeiwara, B. (2022). A A Study of Consumer Insight on the Need for Power Gel Among Runners in Thailand and New Product Concepts Based on Design Thinking. MBA-KKU Journal, 15(2), 49–60. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbakkujournal/article/view/260133


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