The Development of a Tourism Activity Model for Communities in the New Normal Standard: A Case Study of Sanam Chan Subdistrict Community in Nakhon Pathom Province

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Punjaporn Thanawachiranun
Songkran Kloomsuk
Sugira Menus


“The Development of a Tourism Activity Model for Communities in the New Normal Standard: A Case Study of Sanam Chan Subdistrict Community in Nakhon Pathom Province" is a research and development project aimed at 1) investigating the situation and history of community tourism in Sanam Chan Subdistrict, 2) examining the model of participatory tourism activities within the community and implementing the proposed tourism initiatives, and 3) evaluating and improving the participatory tourism model in Sanam Chan community, Nakhon Pathom, in the new normal standard. Using a qualitative-method approach, the study involved the administration of questionnaires to 40 tourists who visited and received the Sanam Chan community tourism service. The findings indicated that tourists expressed high levels of satisfaction with their participation in community tourism activities. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with key informants, including village headmen, community leaders, members of the Sanam Chan Subdistrict Administrative Organization, shop owners, resort managers, representatives from local product women groups, farm owners, and individuals involved in the development of tourist attractions in the Sanam Chan community, Nakhon Pathom Province. Overall, the study revealed that while some community tourism activities received support from various organizations, community members themselves had not been consistently engaged in community tourism activities. Consequently, tourism in the Sanam Chan community had not been successful in attracting visitors. The study emphasizes the importance of coordinated efforts within the community's tourism committees to foster active participation among community members and achieve sustainable tourism. Furthermore, it highlights the need for continuous support from the government, private organizations, and local community members to enhance and improve local tourist attractions and establish a sustainable tourism-activity model for the Sanam Chan community.

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How to Cite
Thanawachiranun, P., Kloomsuk, S., & Menus, S. (2023). The Development of a Tourism Activity Model for Communities in the New Normal Standard: A Case Study of Sanam Chan Subdistrict Community in Nakhon Pathom Province. MBA-KKU Journal, 16(1), 46–74. Retrieved from


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