Factors Affecting Acceptance of Psychological Service Technology: A Case Study of Telopsychological Online Psychiatric Consultion by Application
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This research studied factors affecting acceptance of psychological service technology by Telepsychology application (app) to obtain online psychiatric consultations. Samples were drawn from a private Facebook group and followers of the FB page 1323 Mental Health Consultation. 400 samples respondents had never previously experienced psychiatric consultation by app. Data was collected by online questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics, including confirmatory component factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Results were that factors positively and directly affecting acceptance of Telepsychology were perceived usefulness, with the highest statistical value of 0.337, and perceived ease of use, at 0.209. Factors with highest positive indirect effect were medical quality, platform system and service quality, in decreasing order of significance. The most influential components were medical accuracy and trust, respectively. Social influence was negatively influential. These findings may serve as guidelines for business product development.
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