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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

Authors Guidelines for Article in English

1. Please indicate whether the manuscript is a research article, a scholarly article, or a creative work. The manuscript that is being submitted to Mahidol Music Journal must neither have been published nor be under consideration elsewhere.

2. The manuscript can be in either Thai or English, typed with MS Word and saved in .doc (or .docx) and in .pdf formats. The author needs to submit both types of files.

3. The whole manuscript (with illustrations, examples, citations, etc. if any) arranged for A4-size paper should be around 15-20 pages. The font used is Th SarabunPSK with 16 pt size or Time New Roman with 12 pt size. Top and left margins are 3.5 centimeters. Bottom and right margins are 2.5 centimeters. Each manuscript should include:

          3.1 Title, in English, 18 pt size in bold type, and with center alignment. Title in Thai is not required for a manuscript in English.

          3.2 Author name(s): State all name(s) of the author(s) without academic title, both in Thai and in English for a manuscript in Thai, only English name(s) for a manuscript in English. Font size is 14 pt. Please leave 2-line space from the title of manuscript. Set with right alignment. Address and affiliation of the author(s) are in a footnote.

          3.3 Abstract: The English abstract must present background, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusion. Only an abstract in English is required for a manuscript in English with a total of 500 – 600 words.

          3.4 Graphical Abstract: One image/chart/musical excerpt/graphical picture is required to help the reader understand the main idea of the article.  

          3.5 Keywords. 3-5 keywords, placed under the abstract (for a manuscript in Thai, Thai keywords are placed under Thai abstract, and English keywords are under English abstract). Each keyword should be suitable as a searching word in databases.

          3.6 Content. 16 pt font size in normal letter type. Justify text evenly between left and right margins.

          3.7 Bibliography in Chicago Manual of Style. 16 pt font size in normal letter type. Add 1.25 centimeters more to the left margin for lines other than the first of each entry.

          3.8 Page number, 14 pt font size with right alignment throughout the manuscript.

          3.9 Table name and number, 14 pt font size in bold type with left alignment, placed above the table. Under the table, refer to the source taken (if any), also with left alignment.

          3.10 Name(s) of picture, chart, musical excerpt, or graphic picture, and labeling number(s). 14 pt font size in bold type, placed underneath the picture, chart, etc. with center alignment. Place reference to the source under the name, also with center alignment.

          3.11 Files in JPEG or TIFF and the size of the file is not less than 500 KB with more than 300 dpi resolution. 

4. Components of a manuscript

          4.1 Research Article

          - Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Research Objectives, Research Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Bibliography. For Thai m

          4.2 Scholarly Article and Creative Work

          - Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Body of Text, Conclusion, Bibliography

5. For a manuscript that includes copyrighted pictures or music score excerpts, the author is responsible for asking permission from the copyright holder and strictly complying with the copyright laws. In case of infringement, Mahidol Music Journal takes no part in this responsibility.

Authors Guidelines for Article in Thai

1. Please indicate whether the manuscript is a research article, a scholarly article, or a creative work. The manuscript that is being submitted to Mahidol Music Journal must neither have been published nor be under consideration elsewhere.

2. The manuscript can be in either Thai or English, typed with MS Word and saved in .doc (or .docx) and in .pdf formats. The author needs to submit both types of files.

3. The whole manuscript (with illustrations, examples, citations, etc. if any) arranged for A4-size paper should be around 15-20 pages. The font used is Th SarabunPSK with 16 pt size or Time New Roman with 12 pt size. Top and left margins are 3.5 centimeters. Bottom and right margins are 2.5 centimeters. Each manuscript should include:

          3.1 Title, both in Thai and in English, 18 pt size in bold type, and with center alignment. Title in Thai appears first and title in English on the following line. Title in Thai is not required for a manuscript in English.

          3.2 Author name(s): State all name(s) of the author(s) without academic title, both in Thai and in English for a manuscript in Thai, only English name(s) for a manuscript in English. Font size is 14 pt. Please leave 2-line space from the title of manuscript. Set with right alignment. Address and affiliation of the author(s) are in a footnote.

          3.3 Abstract: One in Thai and one in English for a manuscript in Thai. For Thai manuscript, an extended English abstract is required with a total of 800 words. The English abstract must present background, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusion. Only an abstract in English is required for a manuscript in English with a total of 500 – 600 words.

          3.4 Graphical Abstract: One image/chart/musical excerpt/graphical picture is required to help the reader understand the main idea of the article.  

          3.5 Keywords. 3-5 keywords, placed under the abstract (for a manuscript in Thai, Thai keywords are placed under Thai abstract, and English keywords are under English abstract). Each keyword should be suitable as a searching word in databases.

          3.6 Content. 16 pt font size in normal letter type. Justify text evenly between left and right margins.

          3.7 Bibliography in Chicago Manual of Style. 16 pt font size in normal letter type. Add 1.25 centimeters more to the left margin for lines other than the first of each entry.

          3.8 Page number, 14 pt font size with right alignment throughout the manuscript.

          3.9 Table name and number, 14 pt font size in bold type with left alignment, placed above the table. Under the table, refer to the source taken (if any), also with left alignment.

          3.10 Name(s) of picture, chart, musical excerpt, or graphic picture, and labeling number(s). 14 pt font size in bold type, placed underneath the picture, chart, etc. with center alignment. Place reference to the source under the name, also with center alignment.

          3.11 Files in JPEG or TIFF and the size of the file is not less than 500 KB with more than 300 dpi resolution. 

4. Components of a manuscript (For Thai manuscript, provide information in this section in both Thai and English.)

          4.1 Research Article

          - Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Research Objectives, Research Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Bibliography.

          4.2 Scholarly Article and Creative Work

          - Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Body of Text, Conclusion, Bibliography

5. For a manuscript that includes copyrighted pictures or music score excerpts, the author is responsible for asking permission from the copyright holder and strictly complying with the copyright laws. In case of infringement, Mahidol Music Journal takes no part in this responsibility.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.