The Alexander Technique for Musicians


  • Chanida Tungdechahirun Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand


music education, Alexander technique, music skill


The Alexander Technique is a technique involving new experience of freeing oneself from the domination of fixed habits. It can help people in several different ways. This technique will help reduce your stress and tension from practicing as well as will help develop your skills. Frederick Matthias Alexander was a performer who had problem with his voice. He discovered the basic principle of human coordination and applied his technique to improve his own performance. His discovery concluded that his “manner of doing” affect  his functioning. He began to realize what we did with ourselves to determine the quality of our lives.
          The Alexander Technique has been widely spread among musicians, singer, actors and many  educational  institutions. The principle of learning this technique is a way to understand your body and mind. Helping  musician improve the simple way of physical  movements involved in playing  instrument or singings, the Alexander  Technique  makes possible to help performance more lively, more confident, and less tense. These are many books and research on Alexander Technique for musicians. This article will be beneficial to the musicians in both physical and mental skills.                




How to Cite

Tungdechahirun, C. (2018). The Alexander Technique for Musicians. Mahidol Music Journal, 1(1), 28–41. retrieved from



Academic Article