Wisdom, Wood, Musical Instruments Making, Lanna MusicAbstract
This is a research study of the development, local wisdom, and technology of using wood for Lanna musical instrument making in Chiang Mai province of Northern Thailand. It uses a qualitative approach based upon ancient documents and personal in-dept interview with Lanna musical instruments maker. In the Chiang Mai chronicle, the peoples in Northern Thailand using wood for a material of instrument making. The process, using of materials and their belief were record in the book and inherits by religion institution. In present day, the use of wood for Lanna instruments making is in accordance with the needs as well as the sound context; to create a melodic and rhythmic musical instrument. A large amount of hardwood was used to make drum with sound quality and acoustic need. However, some tree species being registered as rare and restricted as well as the law for using wood is not conducive for Lanna musical instruments making as a household industry. Lanna instrument makers have tried to find alternative raw material and reduce the amount of wood use, but the sound quality is not satisfactory. The sustainable promotion should be planted the trees to make musical instruments, as well as musical instrument makers must develop the process of making musical instruments to effectively reduce the amount of using wood.
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