Music Activity Package, Creative Thinking, Early ChildrenAbstract
This research a part of thematic paper “Music Activity Package for Promoting Creative Thinking for Kindergarten Level1, Watdansamrong School Under Samut Prakarn Primary Education Service Area Office 1” The purposes of this study were: (1) to create a music activity package for creative thinking promotion for kindergarten level, (2) to compare the result promotion creativity of kindergarten both before and after the music experience. The sample group used in this research was kindergarten level 1 at Watdansamrong School in the academic year 2020, which was selected through simple random sampling of 1 classroom with 30 students. Tools used in the research were (1) Sound & Found, (2) Let’s Sing with Do Re Mi, (3) Let’s Play, Let’s Move, 4) Imagination on the Wheels on the Bus, (5) Rhythm Syllable, (6) Music of Storytelling, Pre-test, and Post-test. The statistics used for data analysis were mean (M), standard deviation (SD), and t-test dependent statistics with excel.
The results of the research found that (1) the creation of Music Activity Package for promoting Creative Thinking for Kindergarten Level 1 by studying the Early Childhood Education Program, B.E. 2560, concepts and theories about creativity with all 6 musical skills and use them to create a set of activities and a lesson plan for 6 activities as follows: (1.1) Sound & Found (1.2) Let’s Sing with Do Re Mi (1.3) Let’s Play, Let’s Move (1.4) Imagination on the Wheels on the Bus (1.5) Rhythm Syllable, and (1.6) Music of Storytelling. (2) The result promotion creativity of kindergarten both before and after the music experience by music activity package for creative thinking promotion for kindergarten found that the mean of post-test scores was significantly higher than the mean of pre-test scores at the level of .05
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