The Perception, Attitude, and Guideline of the Cadets of Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy Toward Thailand 4.0
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The objectives of this research were
1) to study perception and attitude of cadets towards Thailand 4.0 and 2) to study Guideline of cadets toward Thailand 4.0. Sample sizes were304 cadets from Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. This research was a quantitative research design. There were 304 cadets in the 1st - 5th year. The research instrument used a questionnaire to collect data. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance, and Pearson's simple correlation coefficient.
The results showed the following:
1) The findings on the perceptions and attitudes of cadets towards the Thailand 4.0concept found that: In terms of perceptions, between perception through individuals and through mass media, both are at a high level. Perception through individuals found that the perception through the instructor was at the highest level. Perception through mass media found that the perception through YouTubeand Facebook was the highest. In terms of attitudes, between cognitive attitudes and affective attitudes, both are at a high level. Cognitive attitudes have the highest level of belief in the concept of Thailand 4.0 can create a balance of economic and social stability, wealth and sustainability. The cadets perceived and had an attitude towards the concept of Thailand 4.0 at a high level. In terms of perception, cadets have the highest level of awareness across YouTube and Facebook. In terms of attitudes, the cadets believed that the concept of Thailand 4.0 could create an economic and social balance, therefore, yield to national stability, prosperity and sustainability. Affective attitudes have the highest level of feeling that Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy should provide learning about the concept of Thailand 4.0. In addition, it was found that the perception of information was correlated with the attitudes of the cadets at the 0.01 level of statistical significance.
2) The findings on the guideline of cadets towards the Thai 4.0 concept found that: The first approach on Enhancing Innovation-Energy conservation awareness should be used. The second approach on Creating a Society with Spiritual Entrepreneurship-Strengthen military leadership skills through institutional training through appointment to active duty and self-development should be used. The third approach on Strengthening the Community and Networks--. Strengthening joint military ideology should be used. The fourth approach on Linking with the World Community--Development of social intelligence, Understanding different cultures, Technology Capabilities, Innovative ideas, Communication skills and Global Environmental Awareness should be used.
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กรมยุทธการทหาร กองบัญชาการกองทัพไทย. (๒๕๖๑). นโยบายผู้บัญชาการทหารสูงสุด ประจำปีงบประมาณ ๒๕๖๑.
กรุงเทพฯ: หจก.อรุณการพิมพ์.
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