Development of Functional Competency Indicators of Military Instructors in Educational Institutes under the Ministry of Defence

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ศิริรัตน สุดใจ
อัจฉรา นิยมาภา
สนั่น ประจงจิตร
สุพจน์ เกิดสุวรรณ์


The objective of this quantitative research

was to develop competency indicators of Military

Instructors, in Educational Institutes under the

Ministry of Defence. Two-steps of research were:

1) reviewing concepts of management competency

of these Military Instructors through literature

review, and interviewing five experts and

2) investigating competency indicators of school

administrators using a questionnaire, constructed

by the researcher with the overall reliability of 0.98,

applying to a sample of 260 randomly selected

from the Military Instructors. All 260 questionnaire

copies were returned and usable. The statistics used

in the research were confirmatory factor analysis.

The research found of the study showed

that 1) Functional Competency Indicators of

Military Instructors in Educational Institutes under

the Ministry of Defence consisted of 4 components,

13 indicators as follows 1) Teacher Leadership

consists of 5 indicators, namely, Good Personality.

Roll Model. Professionalism. Chang agency And

Communication Skills. 2) Curriculum and Learning

Management consists of 4 indicators: Making

Curriculum, Learning Management, and Instruction

Media. And Learning Measurement and Evaluation.

3) Classroom Management consists of 2 indicators:

Atmosphere Organizer and Classroom Organizer.

And 4) Classroom Research consists of 2 indicators:

Introduction of Research And Research for Improve

Learners. 2) Each factor and indicators were

consistent with the empirical data: ค่า x2 = 40.06,

df = 31, p-value < .05; Relative x2 = 0.14; GFI = .98;

AGFI = .93, RMR = .02; SRMR = .049, RMSEA = .03

The weight of each factor was between 0.65-1.00,

and the standard weight of each indicators

war between 0.56-1.00.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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