The Development of Master of Art Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Security of Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy

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Areewan Sutthipongpan


Interdisciplinary programs are accepted and appreciated by scholars and those interested in being a tool to produce people with knowledge and skills that are suitable for the changing era. Therefore, when Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy entered the process of creating a curriculum of this type at the master's degree level, the research process was used to develop the curriculum systematically. The main objective of this research was to develop a Master of Arts Interdisciplinary Program in the area of Security Development to have quality in accordance with the qualify standard of Thai Qualification Framework of the Higher Education (TQF: HEd). The research method was a mixed method. The tools were a questionnaire to survey the further education needs of prospective students and a data collection form from the focus group of the curriculum and the national security experts. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The content analysis was implemented for qualitative data.

The results of the research showed that Curriculum development based on academic principles that implement the curriculum development theory. The drafted curriculum was revised to be more complete according to the proposal of the experts to reflect adherence to the TQF precisely, and all topics must also be related and consistent with each other to aim to produce graduates who would be able to integrate the knowledge of development for security. The survey of educational needs covered the essential characteristics of the curriculum, found that most require a program on weekends, and do not require a thesis. The reason for further study was to increase the educational background and new knowledge. Many factors influence further education, but an interesting factor is the courses must focus on the content that will be useful for future work.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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