An Improvement of the Strategic Intelligence Curriculum of Armed Forces Security Center

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Penkae Khunjong
Chuleerat Charoenporn


The purposes of this research were to 1) analyze the changing political, economic and social contexts in order to develop and improve the subject matter to be up-to-date in accordance with the inside and outside country strategic environment that affect Thailand and for the Security Center, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters is ready for the organization's mission, 2) evaluate the strategic intelligence

curriculum according to CIPP Model evaluation and 3) develop the proposal of the strategic intelligence curriculum in order to improve officers of intelligence departments to Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters, Royal Thai Army, Royal Thai Navy, Royal Thai Air Force, government officers, and civil officers. The research was mixed method, the combination of quantitative and qualitative research, by using document studies data collection by questionnaires and in-depth interviews in the population of 3 study groups which were 1) 146 Strategic Intelligence curriculum students (Class 40-50) 2) 40 people who were executives, instructors and students who studied the strategic intelligence curriculum (Class 51) 3) 18 Strategic Intelligence and Security experts and 4) In-depth interviews of administrators, course instructors, delegates, and strategic intelligence program students (Class 51) and 38 experts in strategic intelligence and security work.

The results of the curriculum evaluation based on the CIPP Model assessment in all aspects showed that the overall level was at the higher and highest level of agreement. The course remains consistent with the political, economic and social contexts as according to the mission of Armed Force Security Center, but there are proposals to add the course content to 6 key points which are 1) draft of 20-year National Strategy (2017-2036) 2) non-traditional threats, national power, global strategic circumstances Headquarters. in the present era and in the future 3) political, economic and social context that have changed rapidly 4) globalization era 5) modern technology of intelligence departments 6) 8 compliments of strategic intelligence. Additional proposals for system development should be made from the lecturers, the cuntents of the subjects, and the learning management environment to be consistent.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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