A Study of Conditions of Information Technology Usage in Learning Management of Air Technical Training School Teachers

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Akkalak Kaewprattana
Srisamorn Pumsa-ard


          This research aims to 1) study the conditions of using information technology in learning management of Air Technical Training School teachers and the opinions of students in the Air Technical Training School; and 2) compare the opinions of students and teachers’ practices in using information technology in learning management. The sample consists of 40 teachers classified by rank and 265 students in the Air Technical Training School by stratified random sampling. The tools consist of: 1) questionnaire for teachers; and 2) questionnaire for students. All tools validate content validity in between 0.60-1.00 and reliability is 0.97 and 0.93. The researchers collected data by themselves. Data are analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and the average scores are compared with t-test independent.

          The results show that: 1) the teachers at the rank of commissioned and non-commissioned officers use information technology in learning management consistently at a moderate level, and the first-year and second-year students have consistently moderate level opinion towards the use of information technology in teachers’ learning management; and 2) teachers at the rank of commissioned and non-commissioned officers use information technology in learning management differently. Differences are not statistically significant at the level of .05. For the first-year and second-year students, there is no statistically significant difference at the level of .05 regarding information technology usage in learning management of teachers. Moreover, the teachers and the students have different opinions regarding overall and each aspect of the use of information technology in learning management. There is statistical insignificance at the level of .05 except for measurement and evaluation differences with statistical significance at the level of .05.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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