An Empirical Study of Digital Innovation Literacy Skills of the Royal Thai Air Force Personnel
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The objectives of this quantitative research are to study. 1) Different characteristics of demography on digital literacy skills of the Air Force officers, 2) Influential knowledge that effects on digital technology access and awareness, digital technology tools, creating digital media for collaboration and 3) Influential factors of knowing digital literacy skills and its innovation that would impact on planning and benefits from development of digital literacy skills of the Royal Thai Air Force officials. Sample group used in this research was 400 Air Force Civil Service officers in the central and provincial areas. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire measuring levels of knowledge on digital technology, ability on knowing digital innovation, and opinions on planning and benefits from development of model-fit on digital innovation skills. The IOC value of 0.96 was obtained with validity of 0.53 and the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of .971. Descriptive statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Statistics used to test research hypotheses including t-test, F-test, and multiple regression analysis.
The research found that knowing digital innovation have affected on planning and benefits from various skills: 1) Digital technology access and awareness concerning usages of the following computer technologies, i.e. Operating System (b=.069), internet (b=.080), and calendar application (b=.060). 2) Skills in using digital technology basic tools for presentation programs (b=.159), word processing programs (b=.112), and spreadsheet programs (b=-.077). 3) Creating digital media for taskforce collaboration concerning usages of multimedia and security programs, i.e. screen capture program (b=.094), defining authentication (b=.067). And 4) Knowledge of digital technology focuses on office software, specifically on spreadsheet programs.
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