The Study on the Relationship of Motivation and Knowledge Transfer of the Pre-Retirement Employees: Case Studies of Somboon Group

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Keattisak Niyomlarp
Pramoch Thammakorn


The objective of this research is to study 1) the opinions on the motivation factors of the pre-retirement employees, 2) the opinions on the knowledge transfer of the pre-retirement employees, and 3) the relationship between the employee motivation factors and the employee knowledge transfer. Questionnaires are used as a research instrument for collecting data consisting of the employee general data, motivation factors, and knowledge transfer, with Index of Content Validity at 0.993. The research sample consists of 102 pre-retirement employees of Somboon Advance Technology Public Company Limited with five remaining years until retirement. The statistics applied in data analysis are descriptive statistics consisting of Frequency, Percentage, Average, and Standard Deviation; and inferential statistics consisting of One-way ANOVA, F-test, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

The findings of the research indicate that 83.33% of the respondents are male, 51.96% have the educational level of below Bachelor’s Degree, 41.18% work in the positions of officer and staff, 39.22% have been working for 11-20 years and 38.24% are to be retired in 2024. The pre-retirement employees of the companies in Somboon Group with different position levels have different knowledge transfer while those with different sexes, educational levels, service durations, and retirement years, there is no significant difference in knowledge transfer. The motivation factors are related to knowledge transfer, relationship with colleagues, working environment, working success, acceptance, job description, and payment at a significant level of 0.05. The relationship with colleagues is the most highly related to knowledge transfer in a form of mentoring system.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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