Development of a Training Program Emphasizing Active Learning Based on Outcome-Based Learning to Promote Abilities in Designing Instruction Integrating the Principle of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy into Learning Strands

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Tanat Manuwong
Somphong Chittradub
Yotsawee Saifah


This study aims 1) to synthesize learning strands and learning outcomes being integrated with the core of sufficiency economy philosophy into societal development, 2) to develop the active-learning and outcome-based-learning training program to promote instructional-design abilities integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, and 3) to study the effectiveness of the developed training program. The research uses the six concepts of research frameworks, namely 1) concepts of training program development, 2) concepts of designing instruction, 3) outcome-based learning concepts, 4) active learning concepts, 5) concepts about integrated instruction, and 6) concepts of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. This research uses an integrated research methodology between the qualitative research method for collecting data and the action research method with eight samples from the Social Sciences for Development Program of the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy using the research and development process.

The research findings show that the strands to be integrated into each course should consist of contents about 1) creating and using resources in a cost-effective and sustainable way, 2) sharing resources which takes into account their own well-being, society and the environment without disturbing any others, and 3) having the right to social situations and the environment. As a result of the developed training program, known as "SUS-TRAIN-ABLE" program, there are three main stages, namely Phase 1: creating knowledge and understanding about the principles of instructional design, principles of integration and Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, Phase 2: creating a learning process from implementation by using group processes, and Phase 3: concluding  learning outcomes and presenting recommendations for development. It is also found that the instructional abilities of all nine cases have been improved as compared with their performances before and during training program.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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