A Confirmatory Factor Analysis for High Performance Organization Development Civil Aviation Training Center (CATC)
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Objective: This study aims to study factors corresponding to operating procedures towards an excellent management of the Civil Aviation Training Center (CATC) and to examine compositions that lead to the excellence of CATC.
Method: This study is an empirical study by randomly selecting 445 samples. The samples consist of executives, acting executives, deputy director, division chief, chief, aviation instructors, all staffs of CATC, current students both from Ground Training Program and Aerial Training Program, and the alumni of CATC in the last 15 years. The samples were selected from 19,697 persons. Research tools consist of Confirmatory Factor Analysis questionnaire with 57 items and a LISREL software to analyze the data.
Results: There are six major components to achieve excellence of the CATC: 1) CATC direction, 2) educational personnel, 3) educational management, 4) factors and atmosphere that affect learning quality, 5) the institution’s management system, and 6) leadership (6 variables observed). The results from the analysis of the conformity between the confirmatory factor model of the CATC development towards excellence and the empirical data indicate the degree of statistical fit index as follows: Chi-Square (χ2) = 708.28, df = 676, p-value = 0.189, RMSEA = 0.010, SRMR = 0.028, CFI = 1.00, GFI = 0.94. The results from the analysis of Composite Reliability (CR) and the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) show that CR of latent variables has a maximum value of 0.98 and a minimum value of 0.95. It indicates that each latent variable is able to explain the variance of the observable variables in a unified manner. From the evaluation of the model, it is found that all latent variables are accurate and reliable, which shows that there is a conformity between the confirmatory factor model of the CATC development towards excellence and the empirical data. Therefore, it has the potential to apply and conform to the research theoretical concept.
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