Factors Affecting Employees' Engagement of the Staff in Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Air Force Academy -

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Ploybussara Bunyaphithak


In this research investigation, the researcher examines 1) the level of employees’ engagement of the staff at Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Air Force Academy (NKRAFA); compares 2) the employees’ engagement of the staff under study classified by personal factors; and investigates 3) the quality of life factors affecting the employees’ engagement of the staff under investigation.

The sample population was 253 subjects from NKRAFA from the total population which are 684 persons. The research instruments were an interview form and a questionnaire eliciting the quality of work life and employees’ engagement. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The techniques of t test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple linear regression analysis were also employed.

Findings are as follows: 1) The staff under study exhibited employees’ engagement at a high level. 2) The comparison in accordance with the personal factors of the staff under investigation found that differences in the salary level exhibited differences in the perception of employees’ engagement. Differences in the variables of gender, age, employment period, work status, and affiliations exhibited no differences in the perception of employees’ engagement at the statistically significant level of .05. 3) The factors of the quality of work life affecting the employees’ engagement of the staff under investigation at the statistically significant level of .05 consisted of the development of human capacities and social relevance. These two factors could predict the employees’ engagement of the staff under study at 49 percent (R square 0.490).

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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