The COVID-19 Crisis: ASEAN Security

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Tamrongchai Noonpugdee
Nittaya Nganwai


The article, “COVID-19 Crisis: Security in ASEAN” aims to study the situation, trends and challenges to the security of the world, ASEAN and Thailand during and after the COVID-19 pandemic so as to create suggestions in the form of a policy for ASEAN, Thailand and the Armed Forces in dealing with the threat to their security.

The study has found that the rapid spread of COVID-19 caused the entire world’s economy to fluctuate and shrink immensely, making the revenues and purchasing power of countries around the world come to an abrupt stop in what became known as Global Simultaneous Shocks. This includes nations with large economies such as the United States, members of the European Union, Japan, China and ASEAN countries, including Thailand. At the same time, the pandemic also affected competition among the Super Powers in a significant way. This is because the pandemic reduced the gap in time and space between China and the United States in terms of capacity, resources, righteousness and acceptance by the international community. This has resulted in the emergence of a type of politics that is characterized by the multi-political power pole system. It has also changed social conditions, causing the problems of inequality and poverty to increase. This will affect people’s mental health in the long run and likely increase violence in families. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the role of technology in human livelihoods and business operations, making people rapidly adjust to digital society in what is known as Digital Transformation. The pandemic has also contributed to the better quality of the environment in terms of air and water because of the decrease in travelling and economic activities. At the same time, the amount of garbage has tended to increase, whether it be plastic or contaminated waste, for instance, face masks.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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