The Relationship between Media Exposure, Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of the Personnel of Offiffice of the Permanent Secretary for Defence

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Kornkanok Wongsuwan
Saranthorn Sasithanakornkaew
Warapan Apisuphachok


This study aimed to 1) study the demographic characteristics, media exposure, satisfaction and organizational commitment of the personnel of Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defence, 2) to study the differences in media exposure of Ministry of Defence classified by demographic characteristics of the personnel of Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defence, 3) to study the differences in organizational commitment classified by demographic characteristics of the personnel of Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defence, 4) to study the relationship between media exposure of Ministry of Defence and satisfaction towards public relations media of Ministry of Defence, 5) to study the relationship between satisfaction towards public relations media of Ministry of Defence and the organizational commitment of the personnel of Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defence. The sample consisted of 400 personnel of Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defence classified by units of the Office of Permanent Secretary for Defence according to the stratified random sampling method. The simple random sampling was also used for collecting the data. This research was quantitative research conducted by using online questionnaires as a tool to study. The statistics data was analyzed in a descriptive manner. Percentage, mean and standard deviation were also calculated. t-test, One-Way ANOVA and Correlation Coefficient were used for inferential statistics in order to test research hypothesis. The study determined statistically significant at the 0.05 level.

The result found that 1) demographic characteristics of the personnel of Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defence had an overall media exposure at high level with an average of 3.80, while the satisfaction towards overall public relations media of Ministry of Defence also was in high level with an average of 4.10, as well as the overall organizational commitment was in the highest level with an average of 4.35. 2) the differences of the personnel of the Office of Permanent Secretary for Defence contributed to the different media exposure 3) the differences of the personnel of the Office of Permanent Secretary for Defence contributed to the level of organizational commitment. 4) the Media exposure was considerably correlated with satisfaction towards public relations media of Ministry of Defence, which was considered statistically significant level of 0.05. 5) the satisfaction towards the public relations media of Ministry of Defence strongly correlated with organizational commitment, which indicated statistically significance level of 0.05.

Article Details

บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)
Author Biographies

Saranthorn Sasithanakornkaew, Department of Communication Arts and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand 10900


Warapan Apisuphachok, Department of Communication Arts and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand 10900



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