Bangkok Metropolitan Regulation Reforms: Review of the Suitability and Conformity with the National Reform
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Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is a special form of local administrative organization and is the main organization in administrating the capital city of Thailand, has the powers and duties as provided by laws, including the powers and duties of the central government administration, provincial government administration, and local government administration, and also has to take actions as assigned and ordered by the Prime Minister and the Councils of Ministers in accordance with a number laws, regulations, and orders, some of which are no longer necessary, are out of date, are redundant, are in conflict, and most importantly, are inconsistent with the swiftly changing economic and social conditions, both in the national level and in the world level, causing obstacles to develop the countries and injustice to society. In particular, stepping into the digital society, both in the national level and in the world level, and the result of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak have impact on administration, livelihood, and business operations of every dimension, both public sector and private sector, and approval and permission processes, and services also cause unnecessary economic burden and cost to people. As a result, the result of digitizing the work process will make people and entrepreneurs receive services and have access to the powers and duties of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration under a variety of laws with convenience, speed, timesaving, and cost saving, and cause fairness and equality in using services, including also assist in competitiveness of Thailand in the global level.
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