The Learning Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Capacity of the Students that Affects Learning Achievement of the Students in the Royal Thai Army Branch Service Schools
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the demographic data affecting the students’ achievement in the Royal Thai Army schools, 2) to investigate the influence of the learning management in the COVID-19 era on the students’ achievement in the Royal Thai Army schools, and 3) to examine the capacity of the students affecting the students’ achievement in the Royal Thai Army schools. This study employed a mixed research method. Data for the quantitative research were collected from 400 samples who were students enrolling in the Royal Thai Army Schools using a ques tionnaire. The descriptive statistics used in the data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. In addition, Data were analyzed with inferential statistics such as t-test, f-test, and Multiple Regressions. The results from the analysis were used as a guideline for an in-depth interview with nine informants, and the data from the interview were analysis using a qualitative approach.
The results from the hypothesis testing showed that 1) demographic factors including age, rank, level of civil education, average monthly income, selected army schools, and curriculums could potentially lead to differences in the students’ achievement with the statistical significance level at 0.05; 2) When considering the relationship between the learning management in the era of COVID-19 pandemic and the achievements of the students enrolling in the Royal Thai Army schools, it was found that teachers, educational personnel, and the information technology were three related aspects with the statistical significance level at 0.05; 3) When considering the students’ capacity, it was found that Intellectual intelligence and social intelligence were related with the statistical significance level at 0.05.
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