The The Analysis of Environmental Factors Based on ASCOPE and the Development of JIPOE Information by Advanced Technique under the Research Project on Multidimensional Environmental Assessment of River Basins in Southern Border Provinces for Peace and Security

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Chainarong Srirak
Jane Suksrithong
Pakasit Keopuangngam
Bandit Tongsong
Patthaphon Sukjai
Phongkrit Nantanakorn
Thanakorn Thangruang
Songsuk Boonthawong
Wa Abdul Rahme Mayete
Anuchit Kadewe


This data analysis is part of the research project, with the objectives to 1) survey environmental factors of river basins in southern border provinces, 2) analyze environmental factors of river basins in southern border provinces, 3) develop JIPOE (Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment) information under the context of social-ecological change in the areas by ASCOPE (Area, Structure, Capability, Organization, People, Events). The mixed methodology consists of documentary, quantitative and qualitative research with analyze environmental factors of river basins develop JIPOE information by ASCOPE

The analysis results revealed that there were three main tributary river basins in southern border provinces, i.e., 1) Khlong Tepa River Basin and Pattani River Basin or called together “Khlong Ta Rua River Basin,” 2) Sai Buri River Basin and 3) Bang Nara Tributary River Basin and Golok Tributary River Basin. When these 3 river basins were analyzed, they could be divided into upstream, midstream, and downstream. To clarify, 1) upstream areas are mostly mountain forests lying down to the west of Thailand. Community villages are hill villages. Villagersusually rely on nature to make a living. 2) Midstream areas are mostly swamp forests and lowlands. The way of life among local inhabitants is related to rivers and swamp forests, with strong Muslim communities. 3) Downstream areas are mouths of the rivers, with the fishery in the way of seamen. Some parts are key economic urban areas. Local inhabitants include Thai-Muslim, Thai-Buddhist, and Thai-Chinese.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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