Guidelines of Digital Skills Development to Support the Change to Digital Organization of Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquater

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Podchana Pliankerd


The Ministry of Defense (MOD) has defined “Digital Contingency Plan 2020-2027”. It aims to develop digital skills for civil servants and personnel of Ministry of Defense. As a consequence, the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters (RTARF HQs) has realized such an importance contributed to the organization, digital action plans have been accordingly laid out with practical policies, strategies and master plans has been created for domestic and international objectives in order to comply with the Ministry of Defense‘s Digital Contingency Framework and to respond the Digital Government Vision of Thailand 2021. However, the approaches to develop digital technology skills of personnel in the Royal RTARF HQs need continuous processes and improvement. The approaches selected are composed of cohesive processes using a quality of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle or Deming Cycle to develop 5 digital technology skills of the personnel which started from planning schemes to study the needs of the digital personnel, organizing training workshops to develop comprehension skills (Understand) and applying skills (Use) to assess the achievement of the procedures used by personnel in RTARF HQs. Then the outcome of these processes would reflect how the training and organizing of learning process demonstrate accessibility skills (Access) and implementingdigital skills for work which Create and Develop skills included. These processes will recognize the work effectiveness for the personnel to enhance their knowledge, abilities, and experience of digital tasks in order to be able to perform various missions efficiently.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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