The Development of Guidelines for Enhancing Thai Youths for Being Good Citizenship of The Nation

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Poomjai Leksuntarakorn
Pratuang Piyakapho
Chularat Pethcharawises
Panisara thienorn


The objectives of this study are to: 1) examine Thai youth attitudes towards being good citizens of the Nation; 2) identify the driving force that influence Thai youth attitudes towards being good citizens of the Nation; and 3) provide recommendations for improving Thai youth attitudes towards being good citizens of the Nation. The study methods consist of three steps as follows. Step 1: Conducted a survey of Thai youth attitudes using Google Form questionnaires with the heading “Thai youth attitudes towards being good citizens of the Nation.” The data was collected from 399 samples with ages ranging from 15 to 25. Step 2: Convened a workshop with 10 educational specialists to discuss the driving forces that influence Thai youth attitudes. Step 3: Tried out activities (Sandbox) on 30 youth in Chiang Mai as samples. The data was analyzed using frequencies percentages and content analysis.

The findings were as follows: 1) Thai youth attitudes towards being good citizens of the Nation in terms of individual aspect showed the highest degree of strongly agreed in all items. The element of Thai youth attitudes towards other people, society and the Nation, the item of the loyalty to the Nation, Religion, and the Monarchy, and the item of the participation in the democratic form of government with the king as head of state, showed the highest level of uncertainty agreed. 2) “Nationalism” is a major driving force that influence Thai youth attitudes towards being good citizens of the Nation. 3) A guideline for enhancing Thai youth to become good citizens of the nation included following four steps: 1) developing an understanding of the current social context, 2) fostering self-esteem and pride in one’s community and country, 3) establishing a shared expectation and 4) cooperating in urban development

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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