The Self-creation in the Military Identity of Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy Cadets

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Roongaroon Wattayakorn


The military is an important profession in maintaining the peace and stability of Thailand from the past to the present. The person who graduated from the military academy will be unique characteristics that are different from the other professions. This research applied a mixed-method approach to 1) study the level of self-creation, 2) compare the self-creation in the military identity of the cadets classified by classes, and 3) suggest a guideline to improve self-creation in the military identity of Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy (CRMA) cadets. By purposive sampling, 17 cadets in command positions were chosen as key informants. Followed by stratified random sampling, 60 cadets from each year were chosen from the 1st to 5th years in the 2022 academic year, resulting in 300 participants. The research instruments included a brainstorming activity worksheet, the test of self-creation scale, with a reliability of .97. The data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA), and analytic induction.

This research found that: 1) Overall of self-creation in the military identity of CRMA cadets is high. 2) The overall result of self-creation in the military identity of the cadets in different cadet year was statistically significant at level 0.01 (p<.01). 3) The guidelines for developing the self-creation in the military identity of the cadets by creating good military attitudes, the promotion of role model in military behavior/skills, and the provision of effective military literacy through various courses and CRMA activities. The research results will benefit military academies and personnel involved in promoting self-creation in the military identity according to the roles of being a cadet before graduating as a commissioned officer with the desirable characteristics of the Royal Thai Army.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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