Canada’s National Security Administration

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Tamrongchai Noonpugdee


This article proposes another idea on how the country administrates its national security. The concept paper is based on experience after graduating from the National Security Programme at the Canadian Forces College, Canada. The expected outcome is to enhance the development of Thailand's National Security Policy and its administration.

Canada’s national security administration can summarise a conceptual framework from the study. It begins with “National security environmental scanning” to identify “Security threats”, then contemplating “Security policy generation and situation management considerations”. Consequently, it reaches out to “Federal government’s guidelines for security policy generation and administration”, “Structural administration conceptual design for security threats circumstances respond”, and “National security policy”, respectively. Canada has gradually been developing its security data and policy concept and generation regarding the vision of “Securing an Openness Society” and “Related government agencies integration with resilience and balance operational structure”. The Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (PSC) is central to the National Security Policy Implementation.

Canadian federal government's national security administration process operates in “Committees”, which integrate related agencies in the “National Security Community Architecture at the Federal Level”. The Committees are involved across policy to operational levels to assign appropriate units to cope with “All internal and external National Security threats and Emergencies” impacting Canadian Citizens, Security, Sovereignty, public order, and territorial integrity under the “Emergency Preparedness Act”, and “Federal Emergency Response Act: FERP” and its operating procedure.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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