The Factors Analysis of Affecting Success of New Government Fiscal Management Information System (NEW GFMIS THAI) Implementation:A Case of Royal Thai Air Force

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Kanyanat Wongjaroenwiroj
Nimnual Visedsun


This study aims to analyze the impact of various factors on the successful implementation of the New Government Fiscal Management Information System (New GFMIS Thai) in the Royal Thai Air Force, comprising of basic agency controls, work system controls related to the New GFMIS Thai system, operational behavior of staff, and agency support. The study relied Purposive Sampling on the perspectives of 325 Air Force officers, with the questionnaire serving as a data gathering tool. The structural equation modeling was used for data analysis.

          The findings revealed that the most positive factors influencing the success of implementing the New GFMIS Thai system in the Royal Thai Air Force are the Operational behavior of staff, which include knowledge of the computer and the new GFMIs Thai system, as well as understanding of the work system, intention, and focus on the task. The next factor is the work system controls related to the New GFMIS Thai system. The basic control system, this is a factor that has a negative impact as it involves changes in the entry process and the application menu on the system is different from the original system. There is no influence detected for the agency's support factors. All these factors can explain the New GFMIs Thai implementation's success of up to 35.0 percent.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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