The Development of Air Force Officer’s Good Leadership in The Squadron Officer School

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Aurarin Unhalekhaka
Supinda Lertlit


This research aims 1) to analyze the problems and needs in developing good leadership, 2) to analyze the components for developing good leadership, 3) to examine and develop a pattern for developing good leadership, and 4) to create a guideline for developing good leadership for military officers at the Squadron Officer School. The research employed both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Independent variable is the leadership component and leadership characteristics. Dependent variable is the leadership skills development and qualitative research interview about leadership development. The sample group consisted of 300 military officers undergoing training at the Squadron Officer School and evaluate the manual for developing good leadership as well as 11 experts and administrators. They served as assessors for the accuracy of the content in the guideline. The research tools included questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis involves percentages, frequencies, means, standard deviation, confirmatory factor analysis for structural analysis, and content analysis.

         The research findings are as follows: 1) the development of good leadership faces issues such as outdated content and a focus on lecturing in some subjects. There is a lack of distinction between management and operational duties during training. Improvement needs include updating content to be more relevant, using real-life scenarios more than lecturing, and teaching that aligns with duties. 2) In analyzing the confirmatory factor analysis and issues of elements leadership Leader characteristics and development of leadership skills, it was found that the factor loadings are between 0.754 and 0.897. The average variance extracted (AVE) ranges from 0.703 to 0.779, indicating good reliability. Construct reliability (CR) values range from 0.90 to 0.959, indicating good reliability. 3) The structural model fits well with the empirical data, as indicated by the Chi-Square value of 103.021, df = 83, Relative Chi-Square = 1.241, p-value = .067, GFI = .964, CFI = .996, AGFI = .925, and RMSEA = .028. Although the Chi-Square value is slightly high, and the p-value is marginally significant; the model is still acceptable. 4) Additionally, a guideline for developing good leadership can be created based on the research findings.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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