Organizational Image Management for Creating a Credibility of Japan Self-Defense Forces

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Panya Srising


               This article aims to study concepts regarding how to manage organizational image and credibility, including analyzing Japanese Ministry of Defense’s security policy as appeared in the white paper (Year 2023). Currently, there are changes and challenges in the conflicts and crisis throughout the World today. Japan recognizes that defense efforts based on only one, is not really practical. Japan, therefore, has to reinforce the defense architecture approach, including strengthening deterrence and response capabilities of the Japan-U.S. alliance. This will also include reinforcement of collaboration with like-minded countries and others through cooperation in defense equipment and technology.

               These approaches will enhance under standing and acceptance among the Japanese publics and the world community in positive attitudes towards the Japanese self-defense forces. This will help creating positive images for the Japanese self-defense forces in maintaining capabilities and expertise to effectively perform self-defense, peace keeping, humanitarian assistance, and disaster reliefs in domestics and abroad. Japan should further increase roles in the World’s security stages to enhance trustworthiness and reliance for the people in both peacetime and in crisis. This will also demonstrate Japanese sincerity in handling conflicts and crisis among the international community with expertise and capability. With these approaches, the publics will have more trusts, attractiveness and organizational images in the Japanese self-defense forces.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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