The Strategies of Educational Management Administration by using Sufficiency Economic Philosophy in Banpong School, Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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ภูวสิษฏ์ บุญศรี


  The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the current and expecting state of educational administration following sufficiency economy philosophy at Banpong School; 2) to investigate causes and factors influencing the educational administration following sufficiency economy philosophy at Banpong School; and 3) to develop the strategies for educational administration following sufficiency economy philosophy at Banpong School. The research employed quantitative and qualitative approach. The research instruments were questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion, and evaluation of suitability and possibility of the strategies. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, deviation, PNI Modified index and content analysis on the data from focus group discussion.
   The results of the study were: 1) The current state of educational administration following sufficiency economy philosophy at Banpong School,in overall, was found at the high level. The expecting state of the educational administration following sufficiency economy philosophy at Banpong School, in overall, was found at the highest level. 2) The causes and factors influencing the educational administration following sufficiency economy philosophy, in overall, were found at the high level. The aspect holding the highest mean score was materials domain. 3) The strategies for educational administration following sufficiency economy philosophy at Banpong School consisted of eight principal strategies as follows. 1. Upgrade the fund raising for educational administration of the school. 2. Develop the implementation of policy to administration. 3. Support resources raising in curriculum and instructional management. 4. Empower deployment of policy in curriculum and instructional management. 5. Upgrade the use of technology in supporting school administration. 6. Upgrade participation in school administration. 7. Enhance efficiency in the use of technology supporting curriculum and instructional management. 8. Promote learning networking in curriculum and instructional management.

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