
  • Chonlada Sajjanit Department of Marketing, Kasetsart Business School, Kasetsart University


Electronic word of mouth (eWOM), Generation Z, Service performance, Social media, Mobile technology, Restaurant industry


As “digital natives”, Generation Z consumers are extremely active on social media by sharing their opinions and experiences via several online platforms and mobile technologies. In the restaurant setting, electronic word of mouth (eWOM) information is quite resilient and influence consumers’ decisions as food services could not be evaluated before consumption. Nevertheless, previous studies examining the effect of Generation Z consumers’ perceptions about restaurant service experiences on their eWOM intentions have been fewer addressed. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between Generation Z consumers’ perceived service performance of quick service restaurants (QSRs) which become popular among Thai teenagers and their eWOM intentions.

Utilizing quantitative survey of 373 young consumers, the findings reported that perceived restaurant service performance positively related to eWOM intentions. In this regard, five components of restaurant service performance included food quality, personal interaction, perceived value, reliability, and physical environment. The findings contribute to the consumer behavior and digital marketing literature in that it provides a better understanding of the link between perceived service performance and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in the restaurant setting. The framework could also facilitate future empirical studies in the hospitality industry. Additionally, the study could encourage food service marketers recognize the importance of eWOM and connect with young consumers to encourage positive eWOM communications while the costs of promotions are increasing.


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