
  • Ponrop Pryraksa Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • Sudarat Sarnsawang Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • Kanda Sakulthanasak Moore Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • Warunee Lapanachokdee Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University


Personal Factor, Task Factor, Environment Factor, Motivation, Self-determination Theory, Teacher Professional Learning


The objectives of this study was to explore factors that may affect teacher professional learning of teachers of English in secondary schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission. The factors consisted of Personal Factors, Task Factors, Work Environment Factors and Motivation. A sample of 375 was randomly selected, by stratified sampling technique, from teachers who taught in secondary school under OBEC in Bangkok Metropolitan Region, during the 2 0 1 7 school year. The research tool was a questionnaire with reliability of .98. The data were analyzed in the forms of descriptive statistic and LISREL program.

The results were as follows: 1) Personal Factors, Task Factors and Work environment Factors predicted teacher professional learning directly. The measurement model was validated with empirical data. 2 ) The direct influence of Motivation contribute positively to teacher professional learning which the structural measurement model was validated with empirical data. 3) Indirect influence of Task Factors and Work environment Factors to teacher professional learning through Motivation as mediator variable, was perfectly which agreed with the empirical data. The structural relationship model was validated with empirical data ( X2 = 130.90, df = 120, P-value=0.234, X2 / df 2  = 1.091, GFI = 0.97, AGFI = 0.94, NFI = 0.99, NNFI = 1.00, CFI = 1.00, RMR = 0.016,SRMR = 0.032 RMSEA = 0.016) and the model as a whole explained 84 percent of variation in teacher professional learning.


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