
  • กิตติศักดิ์ อังคะนาวิน สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าเจ้าคุณทหารลาดกระบัง
  • อภิสรรค์ ภาชนะวรรณ คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเทพสตรี


Education supervision


Supervision is an important process in helping teachers to effectively organize their learning activities. The supervision is based on the principle of democracy. The respect between the supervisor and the supervisor Supervision of education to improve the learning activities will depend on the skills and abilities of supervisors working with teachers. The techniques and methods used by the supervisors to supervise the education by giving teachers the opportunity to research the work to do manually. To make it grow. When learning and growing up. I will learn to improve the teaching and learning to be effective. Supervision of education is not focused on improving teachers 'perceptions that teachers are not doing their jobs to build up the students' growth, but to focus on educational policies. The purpose of education Consider the suitability of the course used. Teaching materials and teaching methods the environment of teachers and learners while learning And the important factor of the supervision of education because the current education in Thailand has changed to 4.0. Because society is entering the information and communication technology. The work in education has progressed rapidly. There are many changes around the world in order to create knowledge in social media, and the mass media. The rapid spread of knowledge, knowledge and information from around the world, so supervision is important to teachers. The teacher will teach the child well, the teacher must have knowledge. From the self-study, and self-development and from the advice. Supervise the education of the people involved, whether the supervisor. Educational Administration School administrators, leaders in driving education policy into practice in schools.


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