
  • ชญารัตน์ บุญพุฒิกร, เสรี ชัดแช้ม, ปิยะทิพย์ ประดุจพรม


Attitude scales for teaching profession, Multidimensional item response model, Multidimensional computerized adaptive testing


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop an attitude scale for the teaching profession based on the multidimensional item response model (ASTP-MIRT), 2) to construct an item bank for the attitude scale, 3) to develop an attitude scale for the teaching profession based on multidimensional computerized adaptive testing (ASTP-MCAT), and 4) to study the relationship between the estimation results from ASTP-MCAT and the those from testing by using all items in the item bank. The sample was 952 fourth year undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education, academic year 2017 from 17 public educational institutions, derived by multi-stage random sampling.

            The results were as follows:

  1. The ASTP-MIRT consisted of 97 items in three dimensions: cognitive, affective, and behavioral. The reliability analyzed by EAP Reliability was equally to .935, .953, and .960, respectively. The construct validity by the Multidimensional Between-Items Model of ASTP-MIRT was more appropriate than the Composite Approach Model, and the Consecutive Approach. The Model was in accordance with the empirical data (x2= 70.37, = 69, = .43, = 0.00). The interpretation criteria of the developed scale consisted of percentile rank, z-score, T-score, and stanine by teacher attitudes and is divided into five levels (very high, high, moderate, low, and very low).
  2. The item bank was divided into three sub-item banks including 31 cognitive items, 32 affective items, and 34 behavioral items.
  3. The ASTP-MCAT was judged to be acceptable at a high level.
  4. The correlation coefficient between teaching profession attitudes from the ASTP-MCAT and the test using the whole item bank showed a positive relationship, 0.34 (p<.05).


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