
  • วรันพร นางาม, รุจิภาส โพธิ์ทองแสงอรุณ คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลกรุงเทพ


Customers’ expectations, Perceived qualities of product and services, the Intention to re-purchase


The purpose of this research is to study the influence of the causal and social factors effect to the intention to re-purchase of clean foods of consumers in Bangkok. The samples are 404 consumers who bought the clean foods. Questionnaires passing the content validity test were used for collecting data. The data were analyzed with the confirmative component analysis. The consistencies of the intention to re-purchase the clean foods were tested with the path analysis. It was found that the customers’ expectations were related with the perceived quality of the clean foods with the fore-casting performance of 0.516 (R2=52%). Perceived qualities of the clean foods were related to the perceived value of the clean foods with the fore-casting performance of 0.50 (R2 =50%) The intentions to re-purchase the clean foods were directly influenced by the satisfactions and social factors. Perceived qualities of the clean foods were directly influenced by the customers’ expectations related to the social. And indirectly influenced the perceived value of the clean foods through the perceived qualities of the clean foods. Furthermore, the satisfactions and intention of re-purchase for the clean foods were indirectly affected by the social factors, the customers’ expectations, and the perceived qualities of the clean foods through the perceived value of the clean foods Therefore, the clean food entrepreneurs must be aware of the qualities of ingredients by nutritional and avoiding the customers’dissatisfactions in order to build positive relationships with the customers in order to result in re-purchases.





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