
  • Nonthathep Kamsorn and Noppadol Punpanich บริหารธุรกิจ


Management, Private music school business, Sustainable success


The purposes of this research were : 1) to study private music schools that have any factors that affect sustainable management in Bangkok. 2) to propose guidelines for managing the private music school business for sustainable success. This research was qualitative research with content analysis from in-depth interview and group discussion, collecting information from key informants by using purposive sampling which were divided in 5 groups of 15 people, it consists of 3 senior executives, 2 private music school managers, 2 music scholars, 4 parents and 4 students. The data collected from semi structure in-depth interview.         

The result of the research found that factors affecting sustainable management include economic factors, society and environment both inside and outside the organization including marketing factors, technology and innovation in music. As for the management guidelines for the private music schools business for sustainable success, it was a matter that schools must use their ability to effectively and efficiently manage the factors that contribute to success including continuous development and focusing on meeting customers’ expectation of teaching and learning modern technology and innovation courses, including quality and standards and another important factors in the marketing management factor that the private music schools must put into make it truly sustainable.


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