
  • อรรถพงศ์ งานขยัน, รสิตา สังข์บุญนาค


Technology Acceptance, Perceived Risk, behavioral trends, True Money wallet


The aim of this research aimed to study the relationship between technology acceptance, perceived risk and behavioral trends an using the True Money Wallet mobile application among customers in Bangkok. The sample consisted of four hundred customers in the Bangkok metropolitan area. A questionnaire was employed for data collection. The data were analyzed by statistical methods including percentage, mean and standard deviation. These hypotheses were tested by utilizing the Pearson Simple Correlation. The research found that most respondents were female, aged twenty six to thirty six, single, graduated university with a Bachelor's degree, worked in a private company, and earned a monthly income of less than 15,000 Baht.

The hypothesis results of the testing found that the factor of the technology acceptance model included: 1) perceived usefulness and 2) perceived ease of use had a relationship with behavioral trends to use the True Money Wallet mobile application in Bangkok was statistically significant at a level of 0.01 with moderate correlation in the same direction. The perceived risk factor included: 1) security and 2) privacy concerns had a relationship with behavioral trends regarding the use of the mobile application of customers in Bangkok was statistically significant at a level of 0.01, which was relatively low and high, respectively.


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