
  • ธนพลอยสิริ สิริบรรสพ


Proficiency, Communication English Speaking, Communication English speaking Activities


          This purpose was to study the communication English speaking proficiency by using communication activities of Pathumthani university’s students. The sample consisted of 20 students who enrolled academic English subject (GE 1605). The tools used in the experiment and data collection were 5 learning management plans by using communication activities, pre and post communication proficiency test models with 15 weeks each 3 hours per day  ,the total was 45 hours through the semester, self-assessment model on English communication speaking ,behavior observation on English communication speaking. The data was presented in the form of mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test.

          The research revealed that the communication English speaking proficiency by using communication activities, the sample group was at the higher level than pre experiment at level of statistical significance. 01 with related the analysis from the model of behavior observation on English communication speaking and self-assessment model on English communication speaking.


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