
  • รสริน วงศ์คำปัน, พงษ์เสฐียร เหลืองอลงกต


good governance, factors, quality of service, the eastern


      The purpose of this study was fourfold.  First, it aimed at examining a level of administration based on good governance principles of local administrative organizations located in the eastern part of Thailand. Also, this study intended to investigate a level of quality of service provided by these local governments. Third, it attempted to determine the consistency of causal relationship of factors affecting quality of service offered by these local administrative organizations. The last purpose of this study was to examine the weight of direct, indirect, and combined influences of factors affecting quality of service provided by these local governments.  The subjects participating in this study comprised 400 people. The test of path analysis was used to determine the consistency of the relationship model and the empirical data as well as weights of influences.


The results of the study were as follows:

  1. It was shown that the level of administration based on good governance

Principles of local administrative organizations  located in the eastern part of Thailand was at a very good level.

  1. The level of quality of service provided by the local governments, located in the eastern part of Thailand was at a very good level.
  2. Regarding the test of consistency of relationship model and the empirical data based on the criteria to test the consistency of the developed model, it was shown that they were in line with each other and met a set of standard criteria. This was suggested that the model of causal relationship of factors affecting quality of service provided by local governments, located in the eastern region of Thailand had an influence on their quality of service. The developed relationship model was in line with the empirical data.
  3. Based on the analyses of weighted direct, indirect, and combined influences of causal factors affecting the quality of service offered by local governments, the results were as follows:

      Regarding the direct influences, it was shown that good governance had a direct influence on quality of service at a significant level of .01. Specifically, the effect size for correlation of good governance was 0.904 (p<0.01).

      For the indirect influences, it was shown that the variables of motivation, administrative process, corporate culture, leadership, and core value influenced indirectly the quality of service via good governance at a significant level of .01. Specifically, the effect sizes for correlation of motivation, administrative process, corporate culture, leadership, and core value were 0.315 (p<0.01), 0.286 (p<0.01), 0.171 (p<0.01), 0.091(p<0.01), and 0.027 (p<0.01), respectively. 

      With reference to the combined influences, it was found that the variables of good governance, motivation, administrative process, corporate culture, leadership significantly influenced quality of service at a significant level of .01. In particular, the effect sizes for correlation of good governance, motivation, administrative process, corporate culture, leadership, and core value were 0.904 (p<0.01), 0.315 (p<0.01), 0.286 (p<0.01), 0.171 (p<0.01), and 0.091 (p<0.01), respectively.



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