
  • นฤนาท ยืนยง, วลัยนารี พรมลา


The Elderly’s Mon, The program of health promotion, The Knowledge, The behavior


The purposes of this quasi experimental research were to study 1) the effective of a health promotion of elderly’s Mon in Pathumthani Province include knowledge, attitude, and behavior health promotion. The study samples were purposive sampling consisted of 30 elderly. Data were collected using the demographic data record form, the knowledge of health promotion questionnaire, the attitude health promotion questionnaire, the behavior health promotion of elderly questionnaire, and the program of health promotion. The program of health promotion which content validity index was at .76, the knowledge of health promotion reliability test was conducted using the result of KR 20 was at .72, and the attitude, and the behavior health promotion using the result of Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient which were at .80, and .78 consecutively. Descriptive statistics and t- test dependent were used for data analysis.

The results of the study showed that (1) the knowledge of health promotion after participating in the program were increased from 70%  to 88%, and mean knowledge of health promotion of elderly’s Mon before and after participating in the program were statistically significant difference at .05 (t= 2.88, P=.01). (2) The attitude health promotion of elderly after participating in the program were at increased from 80% to 88%, and the attitude health promotion of elderly’s Mon before and after participating the program were statistically significant difference at .05 (t= 2.04, P=.01).  (3) The behavior health promotion of elderly after participating in the program were at increased from 75% to 90%, and the behavior health promotion of elderly’s Mon before and after participating the program were statistically significant difference at .05 (t= 3.04, P=.01)


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