
  • Supreeya Bhoophala and Jaruwan Daengbuppha มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


Culinary tourism, Community Based Tourism, Value Chain, Value Co-creation


This article aims to (1) study the key elements in creating value for Culinary tourism in the community (2) study the process of value co-creation of culinary tourism among stakeholders In the context of community-based tourism (3) to develop Culinary Tourism Model by communities in Thailand by using an integrated concept between food tourism and the Value Chain. A model of Culinary tourism by the community in Thailand by using the integrated concept of Culinary tourism and Value Chain. This case research was conducted by using qualitative methods complying various data collection technique: in-depth interview and participatory observations. Participants in the study consist of farmers and local people, local authorities, local culinary enterprises and tourist from 3 communities: Mea Tah community, Chiang Mai province, Ban Phai Dam Patthana community, Angtong province, and Rai Pean Din community, Chanthaburi Province. The results show that communities with abilities develop culinary tourism must have four elements as follows: 1) Community Based Tourism 2) Local wisdom and culinary heritage 3) Local Culinary Tourism Enterprises and 4) Local Culinary tourism experiences. 2. The process of value co-creation found 3 processes are: 1) the process of searching and understanding their culture and food identity 2) the process of creating value that is delivered to tourists to experience the authenticity of local food 3) the process of branding and promote tourism image so that stakeholders perceive and understand the value of culinary tourism through the process of learning and accepting local culture and the tourist culture. 3) The CBT-Culinary Tourism creates the value co-creation of culinary tourism with stakeholders by the community enabling the community to receive sustainable value from tourism


Author Biography

Supreeya Bhoophala and Jaruwan Daengbuppha , มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร

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