
  • ทิพย์วรรณ มูลศาสตร์, บุญมี พันธุ์ไทย, บุญเชิด ภิญโญอนันตพงษ์, ศักดิ์สิทธิ์ ขัตติยาสุวรรณ


Developing the assessment competency modles


This research objectives were : 1) to study the condition and problems of the assessment on the teacher’s teaching competency in primary schools under the Jurisdiction of Office of the Basic Education Commission in the Eastern Region, 2) to create and develop of the assessment competency models on teacher’s teaching in primary schools, under the Jurisdiction of Office of the Basic Education Commission in the Eastern Region, 3) to assess the assessment competency models on teacher’s teaching in the primary schools under the Jurisdiction of Office of the Basic Education Commission in the Eastern Region.  There were 3 steps to process the research as follows:  Step 1. To study and assess on teacher’s teaching competency in primary schools by interviewing.  The primary schools directors and the expert teachers who taught at the primary school level. Step 2. Creating and developing the assessment models on teacher’s teaching in primary schools, using factor analysis. Data was collected from the sample group of 112 people by the specific identification method.  The sample group consisted of the primary schools directors and the expert teacher’s of 42 people and the 70 expert on teacher’s teaching in primary schools.  Confirmatory factor analysis was done with LISRIEL, the results were used to create the questionnaires, the content validity was checked by experts.  The consistency of the model was checked with empirical data. And the manual model to assess the teacher’s teaching performance. Step 3. Assessing the models on competency on teacher’s teaching in the primary schools by the experimental method.

The results of study 1) the condition and problems of the assessment on the teacher teaching competency.  It was found that they were the assessment on the teacher’s teachings competency occurred 1-2 times per year, but there were the overall of the management assessment. Incompletion of documents, lacking of the instruments and there were unable to models.  Teachers lacked of modern innovative media.  There were unable to manage integrated teaching. They lacked systemic management and did not cover in every issue. 2) Creating and developing the assessment models on competency. The teaching competency models were consistent with empirical data (x2 = 193.63 , p = , df = 105 , GFI = 0.946, AGFI = 0.912 , R MSEA = 0.047X). 3) The results of creating the assessment manual models of the assessment competencies on teacher’s  teaching  found that the appropriate data analysis were in accordance with the specified criteria.  That from 80 percent to 100 percent.

          The assessment on teacher’s teaching competency found that they were 5 elements. 1) Focusing on the achievement operational of performance.  2) Good management.  3) Self-development.  One element assessment could affect other elements. Therefore, all elements of the operation could be developed in order to further develop on the teacher’s teachings.



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