
  • พิชชาภา ทองดียิ่ง, ยุวัฒน์ วุฒิเมธี, ธนวรรณ แสงสุวรรณ


Effectiveness, Multi-Level Marketing Business


This research aimed to: 1) study the level of factors affecting the effectiveness and the level of effectiveness of multi-level marketing business in Thailand; 2) study the factors that influence the effectiveness of multi-level marketing business in Thailand; 3) proposed guidelines for improving the effectiveness of multi-level marketing business in Thailand. This research is mixed method design          The research findings the factors influencing the effectiveness of multi-level marketing business in Thailand included leadership, organizational culture, commitment and the organizational climate, were rated at a high level. Also the average of the effectiveness of multi-level marketing business in Thailand was at the same level.

            The results of the hypothesis test showed that leadership factor, Organizational commitment and organizational climate were directly affected the effectiveness of multi-level marketing business in Thailand, statistically significant. These factors can be predicted the variability of multi-level marketing business in Thailand by 67%.

            The guidelines to improve the effectiveness of multi-level marketing business are 1) create leadership to the team leader at each level. 2) promote a collaborative atmosphere to gain the commitment within organization. In addition, the government should provide support by communicating the benefits in terms of economic value creation and positive image, as well as oversight of businesses that do not comply with the law.


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