
  • ณัฐพร ฉายประเสริฐ คณะบริหารธุรกิจและการบัญชี มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Human resource management, Operational behavior, Operational capacity


          The objectives of this research were to study 1) the level of significance of human resource management, operational behavior, and performance capacity, 2) human resource management effects on performance capacity of industrial factory employees in Pathumthani province, 3) human resource management effects on operational behavior of industrial factory employees in Pathumthani province, 4) operational behavior effects on performance capacity of industrial factory employees in Pathumthani province, and 5) human resource management and operational behavior relationship with performance capacity of industrial factory employees in Pathumthani province. The population and sample are employees of industrial factories in Pathumthani province of which there are 3,887 factories. With purposive sampling, 30 factories were chosen with 385 sample size from unknown population sampling. 13 employees were sampled per factory. The research tools were questionnaires and interviews as a quantitative research. The statistic used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, effects were calculated with multiple regression analysis and relations were calculated with Pearson correlation. The qualitative research were analyzed with content analysis.

The study result showed that:

     1) The level of significance of human resource management, operational behavior, and performance capacity in all aspects were high.

     2) Human resource management had positive effects on performance capacity of industrial factory employees in Pathumthani province (β = .394, Sig < .01) and positive multiple correlation coefficients (R) of .394 and (R2) of .156 or 15.6%.

      3) Human resource management had positive effects on operational behavior of industrial factory employees in Pathumthani province (β =.499, Sig < .01) and positive multiple correlation coefficients (R) of .499 and (R2) of .249 or 24.9%.

     4) Operational behavior had positive effects on performance capacity of industrial factory employees in Pathumthani province (β = .787, Sig <.01) and positive multiple correlation coefficients (R) of .787 and (R2) of .619 or 61.9%.

      5) Human resource management (r = .499) and operational behavior (r = .394), had a low positive relationship with performance capacity. And operational behavior had a high positive relationship with performance capacity (r = .787) all of which is statistically significant at .01.


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