
  • ณิชชา ทรงพร, อารง สุทธาศาสตร์ คณะรัฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Quality of life development, cargo workers


The purposes of this research were to study the factors affected to the quality of life, satisfaction in life of cargo workers, and the guideline to improve the quality of life of cargo workers.  The samples were 210 cargo workers, and 10 executives and leaders. The instrument in research were questionnaire and interview. The statistics used in data analysis include frequency, mean, standard deviation, one way analysis of variance, multiple regression and analysis and synthesize the content.

The research found that; the cargo workers in Pathum Thani Province have a good quality of working life including compensation, stable in work, safety from work with pride in their careers and acceptance. The most of them are satisfied with their lives at a high level, such as work characteristics, use of free time to benefit, workplace and organization management, the relationship with other people and a balance between work life and personal life. The organization has improved the quality of life of the cargo workers, including manage the quality of life and employee development policy. The cargo workers has the opinion on the compensation received and job security is different.

The guidelines for development of the quality of life for cargo workers consist of the development of skills, knowledge and careers so that the employees are skilled in their responsibilities, deliver the position of duty to suit the ability of the staff, strengthen public awareness among employees, such as kindness, helping and support colleagues. In addition, the organization should determine appropriate wages or compensation, rewarding employees who are talented and attentive to work and executives should have a form of personnel management based on justice




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