
  • สรียา ศศะรมย์, ภัทรฤทัย เกณิกาสมานวรคุณ, ยุทธพงษ์ อรัญกานนท์ ศูนย์พัฒนาเด็กเล็กบ้านท้ายวัด หมู่ที่ 4 ตำบลลานตากฟ้า อำเภอนครชัยศรี จังหวัดนครปฐม 73120


Decision of buying, Fruit Juices, Samut Prakan Province




            The purposes of this study were to find Consumers’ Behaviors on Purchasing of Fruit Juices in Muang District, Samut Prakan  Province  and were to investigate the consumers’ behaviors and the factors affecting their final decisions on fruit juice purchasing and to compare the consumers’ behaviors on fruit juice-purchasing in Muang District, Chiang Rai Province in terms of gender, age, educational, occupations and salary. The samples of this study was 383 people.

            The research instrument drawn for this study was a set of questionnaires. As conducted with the descriptive statistics, the data were systematically analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, inferential statistics, t-test and f-test; were then presented with the narrative technique.

            The findings of the study revealed that most female informants aged less than 30 years, and earned a bachelor’s degree, as well as 5,001 – 10,000 baht of their monthly payments, being students and university students. In terms of the consumers’ behaviors on instant fruit juice-buying, fruit juices manufactured by domestic factories were more preferred than that of the international factories. Not only nearer shops, but also preferred tastes were mostly selected for their services; moreover, 2 – 6 packs of fruit juices with its 200 ml3 of net weight manufactured by Malee and Tipco trade markers were also preferred for their daily consumption. As their preferred fruit juices were sold out, others were also replaced by their own preference. As for the frequency of fruit juice- buying, it was stated that fruit juices were regularly bought for their weekly consumption.

            All the 4 marketing mix factors affecting the consumers’ final decisions on fruit juice buying were at a higher to the highest level in terms of the product, price, place, and promotion. As compared with each aspect, it was respectively stated that the products with its manufactured and expired dates, reasonable prices with its good quality, shops with its one-stop service, as well as the staffs’ service minds and good human relationship were at a highest level in terms of the product, price, place and promotion.

            According to the hypothesis of the consumers’ different sexuality age and education, it was finally apparent that all the 4 aspects of the consumers’ behaviors towards their final decisions on fruit juice-buying were statistically indifferent in terms of the product, price, place, and promotion, and were inconsistent with the hypothesis provided.

            According to the hypothesis of the consumers’ different the variety of occupations, it was finally apparent that all the 4 aspects of the consumers’ behaviors towards their final decisions on fruit juice-buying were statistically indifferent in terms of the product, place, and promotion, and were consistent with the hypothesis provided. But price were inconsistent with the hypothesis provided. According to the hypothesis of the consumers’ different the variety level of revenues, it was finally apparent that all the 4 aspects of the consumers’ behaviors towards their final decisions on fruit juice-buying were statistically indifferent in terms of the product, price, and place, and were consistent with the hypothesis provided. But promotion were inconsistent with the hypothesis provided.

Keywords : decision of buying, Fruit Juices, Samut Prakan Province


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